Tuesday, September 7, 2010

THE SIKH FACTOR: Cofrontation between 'Brahmins-Hindus Indian democracy & People's Republic of China

Peoples’ Republic China and The ‘Brahmins-Hindus’ alleged democracy & The Sikh Factor. Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)

Questions have been arising whether there would be another confrontation between the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy and the Peoples' Republic of China, despite a big defeat of the alleged Indian democracy headed by the JL Nehru administration. In fact, this defeat of the alleged Indian democracy proved to be the JL Nehru's China fiasco (1962). Undoubtedly, in the present time the 'Brahmins-Hindus' (4+11% of the total population of more than 1.2 billion hungry mouths and one-third of these hungry mouths, i. e., more than 400 million mouths go to sleep hungry, every night for 365 nights of a year) military might is at least 10 times bigger than the JL Nehru's fiasco of 1960s. Let us not forget that during Nehru's fiasco, the propaganda mechanics of the state-controlled All India Radio (AIR; it should be noted that there had been no 'Doordarshan or Television propaganda' had not arrived in India or the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy) has been propagating after every 30-min news, for 24-h in a day that "our forces fought bravely and after fighting they reversed." Indeed, this was the worst defeat of the alleged Indian administration and its armed forces. The JL Nehru administration was no less than a 'head-less' chicken. And the Nehru fiasco took the toll of JL Nehru himself in 1964.

One should not forget and ignore the 'Sikh factor' (the product of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' day light 'robbery' of the divided Sikh Nation Punjab, the first 'Sovereign and Secular Sikh Nation of South Asia, 1799 to 14th March, 1849, of monarch Ranjit Singh) in the JL Nehru's China fiasco. This Sikh factor appeared when the 'Captain of the Western Command headquarters abandoned his ship before sinking'. This captain was a Kashmiri Brahmin Lt-Gen Raina, who was replaced by a Sikh as the Chief of the Western command. In this China fiasco, these had been the Sikhs, by and large, who fought with the Chinese soldiers 'fist to fist' in the mountaneous despite begin the well prepared Chinese army. The same 'Sikh factor' had been present isubsequently when the deceitful and divious 'Brahmins-Hindus' NDA waged wars against Pakistan (now the Islamic Republic of Pakistan) and during the dismemberment of East Pakistan. The very 'Sikh Factor' has not gone any where, rather it is far more active, since the time of an 'Undeclared war against the 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, in the form of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, including the Darbar Sahib Complex, Sikhs' supreme Seat of Sikh Polity, Gurdwaras, and making the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, a 'Concentration Camp' to regard the Sikhs criminals. This 'undeclared' war on the k'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab' took a toll of more than 270,000 innocent Sikhs between the period of 1st June, 1984 and to this day of writing. According to the reliable sources, more than 2-million Sikhs were slaughtered in the decades of 1980s and 1990s. The part of the 'Sikh factor' was tried to disappear by using by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' New Delhi administration (NDA) an 'unelected' member of parliament, i. e., Manmohan Sinh. Sinh is the card the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the NDA has been playing actively against all non-Brahmins-Hindus minorities, including the Sikhs of the 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB'. The 'Sikh Factor' will make a tremendous effect should a military confrontation take place between the mighty armed forces of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy and the Peoples' Republic of China. Regardless of the big heads like turbaned 'Brahmins-Hindus like Manmohan Sinh, Prakash (Hanera/Darkness) Sinh Badal, Badal's "joe boys and joe girls", the Akali Dal-Badal Private Limited Incorporation, politicians in the Congress and non-Sikh parties. The 'Sikh Factor' will demonstrate to the 'Brahmins-Hindus of the NDA, as how to keep the Sikh youth prisoners in the high security jails since 1980s, without trials and charges? How to keep the Sikhs like 'Jail Singhs and Jail Kaurs' born in jails since 1980s? The 'Sikh Factor' will become a severe 'headache' to the alleged Indian democracy of the 'Brahmins-Hindus', let there be a confrontation between the Brahmins-Hindus and the Peoples' Republic of China. The 'Brahmins-Hindus, in the author's view, are not only afraid but suspecious of the Sikhs, because they are Sikhs and they are 'law-less people and dangerous to the law-abiding 'Brahmins-Hindus. The seed planted by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' national poet, Rabindernath Tagore. This person used to share his mistress with the 'Brahmins-Hindus' father, MK Gandhi.

Besides the 'Sikh Factor', there will be other headaches for the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy. For example, the people of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir, who have been suffering for more than 63-years; for example, rapes, torture, impunity, staged-encounters, genocide, burning of houses, gross violations of human rights by the armed forces kept to keep the Kashmiris mouth shut with their intimidation. For their dirty work, turbaned 'Brahmins-Hindus' in 'The Sikh Identity' and Muslims are widely used in the 'Task Force for the occupied Jammu and Kashmir'.

Besides the 'Sikh Factor' and the chronic problems of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir, other sufferers are non-Brahmin minorities of Assam, 7-sister of Assam, Manipur, Christians, Dalits, Adivaasis/Moolnivaasis, etc.

The 'Sikh Factor' is aware that the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the alleged Indian democracy cannot and will not find passage to wage another war by its mighty armed forces on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, through the 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB'.

The Players in the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged democracy and the Peoples' Republic of China Conflict: In addition to these two players, there might be several other interests involved to incite the 'Brahmins-Hindus' NDA to look after the 'unknown' players. These players do not know despite having mighty military machines, the 'Brahmins-Hindus' are as weak as their mighty armed forces lacking the Sikhs' presence. This is probably due to their track records that (i) they had been 'subservient' up until 14th August, 1947, to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., (ii) they have no courage to fight even possessing their intercontinental balastic missle system, and (iii) their highly poor skills in the battlefield. The prime examples are the JL Nehru's fiasco of China (1962) and the dismemberment of East Pakistan.

The 'Brahmins-Hindus' armed forces problems are further complicated by 'insulting' the 'initiated/Amritdhari' Sikhs, not letting the Sikhs beyond the rank of a 'Major' and a full stop in commissioning the Muslims in the armed forces or not giving commission to any Muslim, etc. The Brahmins-Hindus armed forces chronically lack the leadership. The Chief(s) of army have been involved in the cases of 'real estate' irregularity and mistrust, along with more than 12% vacancies at the 'commissioned ranks' and there has been problems in the enrollment at the 'Non-commissioned and Junior Commissioned ranks'.

Following the politicizing 'judiciary', the 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged democracy' has politicized the armed forces and other para-military agencies also. Besides armed forces, the Bollywood culture has affected the 'Brahmins-Hindus and their followers so badly that they do not think beyond the 'jean and bikni culture', along with the culture of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' present in the 'Caves of Ajanta, Ellora, etc.'

The Sikh Factor: It will work against the 'Brahmins-Hindus', because the Sikhs and entire world knows that the 'Brahmins-Hindus are the 'Butchers of our world', according to the founder of the Sikh religion, Guru Baba Nanak Sahib, as inscribed in the Sikh scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. The deeds of the 'Brahmins-Hindus NDA are self-explanatory, because of their treatments with the non-Brahmins-Hindus, the Sikhs, Muslims in general, the Christians and other non-Brahmins-Hindus.

The turbaned 'Brahmins-Hindus' in 'The Sikh Identity' have deliberately disturbed the 'Education of the Sikh children in the 'Landless Sikh Nation,PUNJAB'. Here, the turbaned 'Brahmins-Hindus' are bound to suffer and bury themselves in the graves they have dug up to follow blindly the 'Butchers of Mankind'. These turbaned 'Brahmins-Hindus' are like a product achieved from the 'cross of a crow and swan'.

The Sikh Factor as it has been discussed above, the author would suggest to the NDA's prime enemy, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, not to feel over confident in any way. Rather, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, as the author would like to see, should be ready to face any kind of 'unforeseen' eventuality(ies). It would be best for the great Awam of Pakistan to strengthen their democratic institutions by the qualitative administration and administrative machinery.

The Sikh Factor will play a positive role in the developments of South Asia, as the Sikhs had been the 'First Sovereign and Secular' nation of South Asia, 1799 to 14th March, 1849. The author would have to ask to think more carefully that the ‘Brahmins-Hindus’ dare not to face China? The weak hearted creatures who had been claiming for 40+ years as their own, despite their claims they politely and quitely surrendered to China by their criminal Chief, Council of Ministers, the New Delhi administration, AB Vajpayee.

The decade of 2000 and onwards are highly unpredictable. As such, the 'Brahmins-Hindus' neighbours should do adequate preparatory work to preserve their political borders under adversary situations.

The Sikh Factor would prevail far more determined than ever, because the Sikhs have had enough deceits and false promises. Now on they will talk business. The cards will 'never' be in the hands of turbaned Brahmins-Hindus in 'The Sikh Identity', illiterate jathedars/band leaders, pseudo-saints, derewalas, entertainers (singers, performers, granthis, hymn singers/keertanyes, etc.) and anti-Sikh Nation people. Rather, the Sikh youth, and seasoned and experienced Sikhs will have to control the affairs of their 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB' (under the NDA occupation since 15th August, 1947).

In summation, should a confrontation occur, it would be more favourable to the non-Brahmins-Hindus. Such a confrontation may wipe out the dreams of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' and their alleged Indian democracy.


Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)
Editor in Chief
International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435

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