Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon's Participation in the Briefing Session HUMAN RIGHTS IN PAKISTAN

Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon's Participation in the Briefing Session



Date: 24th September, 2010

Time: 15:00 - 17:00 Hrs

The sessin was on the Human Rights in Pakistan. Actually it was the 'Bashing of Pakistan'. What I could see and guess from the audience and the members of the penal, there had been quite a few people, at least more than 8 associate presumably with the the notorious Research and Analysis Wing sitting in the session and participating actively in the Briefing. My assertion gained ground when I saw two persons (Madam Srivastva and her son, Aniket). Both are well known to twist the things when any matter of the Sikhs and/or Pakistan is involved and they never participated any discussion or questions and answers period of any session. All they have been doing to make extensive use of their 'mobiles' as soon as the panel finish their presentations. One of them is virtually 'devoid' of the history of the land they come from; this is the personal experience of the writer.

Second, I saw a person named Professor Kohli, a turbaned 'Brahmin or Hindu' in 'The Sikh Identity'. For the last 10 years and ever since I have met him and watach him in the 'Briefings relating to the Sikhs of Punjab and/or Jammu and Kashmir, I have never seen him asking any questions relating to the violations of human rights of the Sikhs of the 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, Khalistan (under the occupation of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' Incorporation and their alleged Indian democracy).

Third, I saw and believe firmly that a bunch of 25-30 school boys of Swiss schools were brought in the room to give an impression that they were NGOs and the room was full of attendees.

Once the Speakers were through their task of speaking, the following two people asked the questions relating to the occupied areas of Jammu and Kashmir by the Indian administration.

Mr Amjad from Srinagar of the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir addressed his concerns to the Chair. He was not at all satisfied by the way Chair handled his question. He asked for a secondary/supplementary question, but the Chair did not allow. He walked out of room in protest.

Mr Altaf Hussain Wani said that there has been no Mujahdeen in the Azad Kashmir area, as he belongs to that area. He rejected the argument of one on the panel that Pakistan is trying to deteriorate the situation in the Jammu and Kashmir. Mr Wani 'rejected' affirmatively panel's views. Rather, he said that the J&K's dispute is hanging without any solution acceptable to the people of Kashmir.

When the Chair asked is there any more questions and or comments? Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon, who had been watching the situation closely and raised his hand that he has few comments to make.

Dr Sekhon, after introducing himself, said to Chair and audience that the answer of the Kashmir's problem is very simple if you, the panel and the United Nations' Human Rights Council and the United Nations would like to resolve the problem of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir (IDA:J & K). For the resolution of the problem, Dr Sekhon gave two examples for the problems of the Internationally Disputed Areas (Jammu and Kashmir, under Indian occupation since 1947):

1. The answer of the IDA:JK is very simple. Let the people of the IDA:J&K exercise their right of 'Self-Determination', as Canada did it for the Province of Quebec in the last 10-12 years or so, under the leadership of the late Right Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Right Honourable John Chretien. Both times, the majority opted for the integral part of Canada.

2. Third example is of the people of Puerto Rico, which had been administered by the United States government. the US administration said that the people of Puerto Rico should control their own destiny and have their 'sovereign' administration. However, the Puerto Ricans said to the US administration that they would like to be the part of the US. To resolve the problem, the United States Congress said that the people of Puerto Rico must decide in their forthcoming elections whether they would like to have their self administration, or they would like to be the part of the United States. In the elections, the Puerto Ricans demonstrated by coming out in favour to be administrated or be the part of the US. The US Congress accepted the will of the Puerto Ricans and they are the part of the United States.

3. Like above two examples the people of IDA:J&K be given to exercise their right to control their own destiny. The world will see the verdict of the people. For their Self administration, to be casting their vote to go with Pakistan, or they would like to be occupied by the 'Brahmins-Hindus' Incorporation's alleged Indian democracy.

4. Addressing to the Chair, Dr Sekhon commented and made it amply clear that the IDA:J&K is not the 'integral' part of India, as the latter has been betraying the world with disinformation and misinformation.

5. Mr Chair, armed forces role in the war period is on the front and in the peace time they belong to their barracks. India has not fight any war, neither has it diclared war against anyone. As such, Indian armed personnel must return to their barracks. These personnel have no right to live with the civilian population, as their living perpetuates lots of problems relating to destroying culture, political apparatus, and day to day life of civilians by their notorious intimidation and day to day killings of the civilians.

6. The last and not the least Mr Chair, the Indian Armed Forces Special Powers Act must the repulsed. Sooner is the better.

Thank you, Mr Chair, ladies and gentlemen.

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